Recurly Python

This library is the official python client for Recurly’s V3 API.

Getting Started


We recommend specifying this dependency in your requirements.txt:


Or installing via the command line:

pip install --upgrade recurly

Note: We try to follow semantic versioning and will only apply breaking changes to major versions.

Importing the library

We recommend importing recurly and preserving the namespace:

import recurly

Reference Docs Overview

  1. The Client class documents all the endpoints in the API as methods.

  2. The resources module documents all responses (resources) that are returned from client calls.

  3. The errors module documents all API errors that a client method might throw.

You can the search page to search across all calls, errors, resources, attributes, etc.

Creating a client

A client represents a connection to the Recurly servers. Every call to the server exists as a method on this class. To initialize, you only need the private API key which can be obtained on the API Credentials Page.

api_key = '83749879bbde395b5fe0cc1a5abf8e5'
client = recurly.Client(api_key)


The Client contains every operation you can perform on the site as a list of methods. See all operations listed on the documentation for the Client class.

account = client.get_account("")
#=> returns a recurly.Account object

Additional Pager Methods

In addition to the methods to facilitate pagination, the Pager class provides 2 helper methods:

  1. first

  2. count


The Pager’s first method can be used to fetch only the first resource from the endpoint.

accounts = client.list_accounts()
account = accounts.first()


The Pager’s count method will return the total number of resources that are available at the requested endpoint.

accounts = client.list_accounts()
total = accounts.count()
print("There are %s accounts in total." % total)
for account in accounts:

Creating Resources

Resources are created by passing in a body argument in the form of a dict. This dict must follow the schema of the documented request type. For example, see the create_account operation doc to understand what parameters may be sent to create an account.

account_create = {
    "code": "",
    "first_name": "Benjamin",
    "last_name": "Du Monde",
    "shipping_addresses": [
            "nickname": "Home",
            "street1": "1 Tchoupitoulas St",
            "city": "New Orleans",
            "region": "LA",
            "country": "US",
            "postal_code": "70115",
            "first_name": "Aaron",
            "last_name": "Du Monde"
account = client.create_account(account_create)
#=> returns a recurly.resources.Account object

Error Handling

This library currently throws 2 primary types of exceptions:

  1. recurly.ApiError when the Recurly API server returns an error.

  2. recurly.NetworkError when the connection to the Recurly API server fails.

The ApiError comes in a few flavors which help you determine what to do next. They are thrown as exceptions. To see a full list, view the errors module docs.

    expired_sub = client.terminate_subscription(, refund='full')
except recurly.errors.ValidationError as e:
    # If the request was invalid, you may want to tell your user
    # why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in e.error.params
    print("ValidationError: %s" % e.error.message)
except recurly.errors.NotFoundError as e:
    print("Some id was not found, probably the The error message will explain:")
except recurly.errors.ApiError as e:
    print("Generic catch all for all recurly specific errors")
except recurly.NetworkError as e:
    print("Something happened with the network connection.")

HTTP Metadata

Sometimes you might want to get some additional information about the underlying HTTP request and response. Instead of returning this information directly and forcing the programmer to unwrap it, we inject this metadata into the top level resource that was returned. You can access the Response by calling get_response() on any Resource.

Warning: Do not log or render whole requests or responses as they may contain PII or sensitive data.

account = client.get_account("code-benjamin")
response = account.get_response()
response.rate_limit_remaining #=> 1985
response.request_id #=> "0av50sm5l2n2gkf88ehg"
response.request.path #=> "/sites/subdomain-mysite/accounts/code-benjamin"
response.request.body #=> None

This also works on Empty responses:

response = client.remove_line_item("a959576b2b10b012").get_response()

And it can be captured on exceptions through the Error object:

    account = client.get_account(account_id)
except recurly.errors.NotFoundError as e:
    response = e.error.get_response()
    print("Give this request id to Recurly Support: " + response.request_id)


Recurly can send webhooks to any publicly accessible server. When an event in Recurly triggers a webhook (e.g., an account is opened), Recurly will attempt to send this notification to the endpoint(s) you specify. You can specify up to 10 endpoints through the application. All notifications will be sent to all configured endpoints for your site.

See our product docs to learn more about webhooks and see our dev docs to learn about what payloads are available.

Although our API is now JSON, our webhook payloads are still formatted as XML for the time being. This library is not yet responsible for handling webhooks. If you do need webhooks, we recommend using a simple XML to dict parser. We recommend using a small dependency such as xmltodict.

import xmltodict

notification = xmltodict.parse(
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <username nil="true"></username>
        <company_name nil="true"></company_name>

code = notification["new_account_notification"]["account"]["account_code"]
print("New Account with code %s created." % code)

You can do this without dependencies, but you’ll need to heed warnings about security concerns. Read more about the security implications of parsing untrusted XML in this OWASP cheatsheet.

Indices and tables